I facilitate and coach in the areas of the Immunity-to-Change method,
Adaptive Leadership, and Problem-Solving & Decision-Making.
My specialty is Immunity-to-Change (ITC) facilitation and coaching. This flexible, actionable, developmental experience helps participants make progress on a workplace growth goal of their own choosing. ITC generates immediate behavioral change, not just thought about change.​​
ITC is a half-day workshop. Best practice is to provide coaching opportunities for a month following the launch workshop.​​
I have facilitated and coached the ITC process for mid-level managers and senior executives located in more than 30 countries on six continents. The creators of the method, Harvard’s Bob Kegan and Lisa Lahey, trained me in ITC facilitation in Boston in 2014, 2017, and 2019.
For Reference:
Kegan & Lahey’s Immunity to Change (book)
Kegan & Lahey’s Harvard Business Review article on ITC
My Academy of Management Learning & Education article on ITC
For Reference:
Heifetz and Linsky’s The Practice of Adaptive Leadership (book)
Heifetz and Linsky's Leadership on The Line (book)
​Heifetz and Linsky’s Harvard Business Review article on Adaptive Leadership
Adaptive Leadership
Just as ITC is a powerful tool for pursuing individual development, Adaptive Leadership is a powerful framework for promoting group development.​ My Adaptive Leadership workshop is 1 to 2 days in length, depending on client needs.
Participants apply the AL framework to a real-life leadership challenge drawn from their own experiences. In small consultation groups, they practice diagnosing and recommending action on one another’s lived leadership challenges.
The Adaptive Leadership framework that I use is the one authored by Ron Heifetz and Marty Linsky. I trained directly with Heifetz and Linsky at an intensive 8-day seminar at Harvard Kennedy School in 2014.
Problem-Solving & Decision-Making
This workshop helps individuals and teams solve problems and make decisions more effectively.
My full-day Problem-Solving and Decision-Making workshop engages the following topics:
System 1 and System 2 Thinking
Twelve Common Cognitive Biases
Techniques in Causal Analysis and Solution Generation